Logos Quiz Answer
Some of you may be wondering, what is Logos quiz? Well let me tell you a secret: it's the best game in the world! The game consists of hundreds of company logos that you will be required to guess the name of. When you guess a certain amount of logos or "hits" per level, you will be able to continue to the next round. There are eight unique levels in the game with each level getting harder. But don't worry, there are built in hints functions to guide you through your guessing. So now that you know the basic rules of the game and how it works, go ahead and start playing!
Each day we are confronted with hundreds or maybe even thousands of logos without realizing it.
Put you mind to the test. Can you guess all of them?
Challenge your friends and see who has the superior logo knowledge!
Challenge your friends and see who has the superior logo knowledge!
Bug Found
Upon playing the games many times, I've discovered that on the Iphone, if you slide two times to the right, the screen zooms in and you cannot fix it until you restart the game. This annoying bus has led me to restart my device many times and is just plain annoying! I just wanted to know, is it just my Iphone, or is it happening to everyone?!
Android Version
Soon, hopefully within today, I wish to upload an Android version answers of the logo quiz as well. I've been working on this for the past few days and it is a very tedious process having to crop and photoshop each logo one by one. So far, it has taken me 4 hours to go through half the logos. I hope to finish soon for the sake of you and I. The Android logos will have it's own little section on top of the homepage, where I will implement another button next to the "blog Info". It will not be organized by levels, but categorized alphabetically. So I hope you are excited for the Android/droid version as well. Thanks!
Droid, Android, Android logos answers, Android logos quiz help.